ExoCellular Diagnostics

Ilya Ganov

Consultant / Advisor

  • CFO, BioCheck Inc.
  • Executive Director R&D Finance, City of Hope
  • Head of Finance, Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Ilya is the Chief Financial Officer of ExoCellular Diagnostics, Inc. Ilya has extensive financial background working in life-science and healthcare organizations. Prior to joining Exocellular Ilya’s most recent experience was Chief Financial Officer at BioCheck Inc, an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) solutions company.  In the period from 2012 to 2021, Ilya held various senior financial leadership positions including Executive Director, Research Finance at City of Hope, an NCI-designated comprehensive cancer treatment and research center in California, and Head of Finance at Novartis Pharmaceuticals where he led the program development and preparation for market launch of Kymriah, the first CAR T-cell therapy on the market.